Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hawaii: The Adventure So Far

Today is my one month anniversary of arriving in Hawaii. Since I haven't really updated at all since I've been here, I figured I'd do a quick run-down of what I've been up to, as told by the pictures I've taken.

Before Hawaii: Hannah tried to sneak into my suitcase. As if I wouldn't notice!
Boo took the more subtle approach of sitting atop my suitcase and glaring at me with his evil little eyes.
Then I got to Hawaii. The view off our lanai:
There are oceans and sunsets in Hawaii.
There are also Germans in Hawaii. This one is named Judith, she likes alcohol and shopping.
Hawaii also has the Arizona Memorial. Despite what you may have heard, Josh Hartnett and Kate Beckinsale do not hang out at Pearl Harbor. Judith was disappointed.
But the most important thing they have in Hawaii? Shoe stores. I'm averaging one new pair a week.
These pictures and more can be seen over on flickr.

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